CITED WORK: Early African human fossils

Key publications on the morphology, stratigraphy, chronology and/or associated archaeology of late Middle and early Upper Pleistocene African modern human fossils cited in the Table:

Late Middle (200-130 Kyr) and Early Upper Pleistocene (130-60 kyr) African human fossils’

  1. Assefa Z (2006) Faunal remains from Porc-Epic: Palecological and zooarchaeological investigations from a Middle Stone Age site in southeastern Ethiopia. JHE 51: 50-75. 
  2. Avery G et al. (1997) The 1992-1993 excavations at the Die Kelders Middle and Later Stone Age Cave Site, South Africa. J. Field Arch. 24: 263-291.
  3. Barton et al. (2009) OSL dating of the Aterian levels at Dar es-Soltan I (Rabat, Morocco) and implications for the dispersal of modern Homo sapiens. QSR 28: 1914-1931.
  4. Bräuer G. (1980) Human skeletal remains from Mumba Rock Shelter, Northern Tanzania. AJPA 52: 71-84.
  5. Bräuer G & Mehlman MJ (1988) Hominid molars from a Middle Stone Age level at Mumba Rock Shelter, Tanzania. AJPA 75: 69-76.
  6. Butzer KW (1969) Geological interpretation of two Pleistocene hominid sites in the Lower Omo Basin. Nature 222: 1133-1135.
  7. Clark JD et al. (1984) A Middle Stone Age occupation site at Porc Epic cave, Dire Dawa (east-central Ethiopia). AAR 2: 37-71.
  8. Clark JD et al. (2003) Stratigraphic, chronological and behavioural contexts of Pleistocene Homo sapiens from Middle Awash, Ethiopia. Nature 423: 747-752.
  9. Cooke et al. (1945) Fossil man in the Lebombo Mountains, South Africa: The ‘Border Cave’, Ingwavuma District, Zululand. Man 45: 6-13.
  10. Day MH (1969) Omo human skeletal remains. Nature 222: 1135-1138.
  11. Day MH & Stringer CB (1991) Les restes crâniens d’Omo-Kibish et leur classification à l’intérieur du genre Homo. L’Anthropologie 95: 573-594.
  12. Deacon HJ (1995) Two Late Pleistocene-Holocene archaeological depositories from the southern Cape, South Africa. SAfrAB 50: 121–131.
  13. Debenath A (1976) La Grotte de Dar es-Soltane II à Rabat (Maroc). Géologie et préhistoire. BMSAP 3: 181-182.
  14. Debénath A (1979) Découverte d’une mandibule humaine atérienne à El Harhoura (Province de Rabat). Bulletin d’archéologie marocaine 12: 1-2.
  15. Debénath A (2000) Le peuplement préhistorique du Maroc: Données récentes et problèmes. L’Anthropologie 104: 131-145.
  16. de Villiers H (1973) Human skeletal remains from Border Cave, Ingwavuma District, Kwazulu, South Africa. Ann. Transvaal Mus. 28: 229-256.
  17. Feathers JK & Bush DA (2000) Luminescence dating of Middle Stone Age deposits at Die Kelders. JHE 38: 91-119.
  18. Ferembach D (1976) Les restes humains atériens de Témara. Campagne 1975. BMSAP 3: 175-180.
  19. Ferembach D (1976) Les rests humains de la Grotte de Dar-es-Soltane II (Maroc). Campagne 1975. BMSAP 3: 183-193.
  20. Gliganic LA et al. (2012) New ages for Middle and Later Stone Age deposits at Mumba rockshelter, Tanzania: Optically stimulated luminescence dating of quartz and feldspar grais. JHE 62: 533-547.
  21. Grine FE (2000) Middle Stone Age human fossils from Die Kelders Cave 1, Western Cape Province, South Africa. JHE 38: 129-145.
  22. Grine FE & Henshilwood CS (2002) Additional human remains from Blombos Cave, South Africa: (1999-2000 excavations). JHE 42: 293-302.
  23. Grine FE & Klein RG (1985) Pleistocene and Holocene human remains from Equus Cave, South Africa. Anthropology 8: 55–98.
  24. Grine FE et al. (1991) Dating, archaeology and human fossils from the Middle Stone Age levels of Die Kelders, South Africa. JHE 21: 363-395.
  25. Grine FE et al. (1998) Additional human fossils from Klasies River Mouth, South Africa. JHE 35: 95-107.
  26. Grün R & Beaumont P (2001) Border Cave revisited: a revised ESR chronology. JHE 40: 467-482.
  27. Grün R & Stringer CB (1991) Electron spin resonance dating and the evolution of modern humans. Archaeometry 33: 153-199
  28. Grün R et al. (2003) On the age of the Border Cave 5 human mandible. JHE 45: 155-167.
  29. Haile-Selassie et al. (2004) Hominid cranial remains from Upper Pleistocene deposits at Aduma, Middle Awash, Ethiopia. AJPA 123: 1-10.
  30. Henshilwood CS et al. (2001) Blombos Cave, Southern Cape, South Africa: Preliminary report on the 1992-1999 Excavations of the Middle Stone Age levels. JAS 28: 421-448.
  31. Henshilwood CS et al. (2009) Engraved ochres from the Middle Stone Age levels at Blombos Cave, South Africa. JHE 57: 27-47.
  32. Howe, B. & Movius, H.L. 1947. A stone age cave site in Tangier. Papers of the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University 28: 1–32.
  33. Hublin J-J (2001) Northwest African Middle Pleistocene hominids and their bearing on the emergence of Homo sapiens. In: L Barham & K Robson-Brown (Eds) Human Roots: African and Asian in the Middle Pleistocene, pp. 99-121. Bristol: Western Academic Press.
  34. Jacobs et al. (2006) Extending the chronology of deposits at Blombos Cave, South Africa, back to 140 ka using optical dating of single and multiple grains of quartz. JHE 51: 255-273.
  35. Klein RG (1976) The mammalian fauna of the Klasies River Mouth sites, Southern Cape Province, South Africa. SAfrAB 31: 75-98.
  36. Klein RG et al. (1991) Environmental, ecological, and paleo-anthropological implications of the late Pleistocene mammalian fauna from Equus Cave, northern Cape Province, South Africa. QR 36: 94-110.
  37. Leakey RE 1969 Nature Early Homo sapiens remains from the Omo River region of South-west Ethiopia. Nature 222: 1132-1133.
  38. McBurney CBM (1961) Absolute age of Pleistocene and Holocene deposits in the Haua Fteah. Nature 192: 685-686.
  39. McBurney, C. B. M. (1967). The Haua Fteah (Cyrenaica) and the Stone Age of the South-East Mediterranean. Cambridge: CUP.
  40. McBurney CBM et al. (1953) The Haua Fteah fossil jaw. JRAI 83: 71-85.
  41. McDermott F et al. (1996) New Late Pleistocene uranium-thorium and ESR dates for the Singa hominid (Sudan). JHE 31: 507–516.
  42. McDougall et al. (2005) Stratigraphic placement and age of modern humans from Kibish, Ethiopia. Nature 433: 733-736.
  43. Nespoulet R et al (2008) Palaeolithic and Neolithic occupations in the Témara Region (Rabat, Morocco): Recent data on hominin contexts and behaviour. AAR 25: 21-39.
  44. Pearson OM & Grine FE (1996) Morphology of the Border Cave hominid ulna and humerus. SAfrJSci 92: 231-236.
  45. Pearson OM & Grine FE (1997) Re-analysis of the hominid radii from Cave of Hearths and Klasies River Mouth, South Africa. JHE 32: 577-592.
  46. Pearson OM et al. (2008a) A description of the Omo I postcranial skeleton, including newly discovered fossils. JHE 55: 421–437.
  47. Pearson OM et al (2008b) Further new hominin fossils from the Kibish Formation, southwestern Ethiopia. JHE 55: 444-447.
  48. Rightmire GP (1979) Implications of Border Cave skeletal remains for later Pleistocene human evolution. Curr Anth 20: 23-35.
  49. Rightmire GP (2009) Middle and later Pleistocene hominins in Africa and Southwest Asia. PNAS 106: 16046-16050
  50. Rightmire GP & Deacon HJ (1991) Comparative studies of Late Pleistocene human remains from Klasies River Mouth, South Africa. JHE 20: 131–156.
  51. Rightmire GP & Deacon HJ (2001) New human teeth from Middle Stone Age deposits at Klasies River, South Africa. JHE 41: 535-544.
  52. Schwarcz HP & Rink WJ (2000) ESR dating of the Die Kelders Cave 1 site, South Africa. JHE 38: 121-128.
  53. Singer R & Wymer J (1982) The Middle Stone Age at Klasies River Mouth in South Africa. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  54. Smith TM et al. (2007) Earliest evidence of modern human life history in North African early Homo sapiens. PNAS 104: 6128–6133
  55. Spoor F et al. (1998) Rare temporal bone pathology of the Singa calvaria from Sudan. AJPA 107: 41–50.
  56. Van Peer P et al. (2010) Chert Quarrying, Lithic Technology and a Modern Human Burial at the Palaeolithic Site of Taramsa 1, Upper Egypt. Egyptian Prehistory Monographs: Leuven University Press.
  57. Vermeersch et al. (1997) Middle Palaeolithic chert mining in Egypt. In: A Ramos-Millan & MA Bustillo (Eds) Siliceous Rocks and Culture, pp. 173-193. Univ de Granada
  58. Vermeersch PM et al. (1998) A Middle Palaeolithic burial of a modern human at Taramsa Hill, Egypt. Antiquity 72: 475-484.
  59. White, T.D. et al. (2003) Pleistocene Homo sapiens from Middle Awash, Ethiopia. Nature 423: 742-747.
  60. Wrinn PJ & Rink WJ 2003. ESR dating of tooth enamel from Aterial levels at Mugharet el’Aliya (Tangier, Morocco). JAS 30: 123-133.
  61. Yellen J et al. (2005) The archaeology of Aduma Middle Stone Age sites in the Awash Valley, Ethiopia. PaleoAnth 2005.10.25-100.