CITED WORK: Early African human fossils
Key publications on the morphology, stratigraphy, chronology and/or associated archaeology of late Middle and early Upper Pleistocene African modern human fossils cited in the Table:
‘Late Middle (200-130 Kyr) and Early Upper Pleistocene (130-60 kyr) African human fossils’
- Assefa Z (2006) Faunal remains from Porc-Epic: Palecological and zooarchaeological investigations from a Middle Stone Age site in southeastern Ethiopia. JHE 51: 50-75.
- Avery G et al. (1997) The 1992-1993 excavations at the Die Kelders Middle and Later Stone Age Cave Site, South Africa. J. Field Arch. 24: 263-291.
- Barton et al. (2009) OSL dating of the Aterian levels at Dar es-Soltan I (Rabat, Morocco) and implications for the dispersal of modern Homo sapiens. QSR 28: 1914-1931.
- Bräuer G. (1980) Human skeletal remains from Mumba Rock Shelter, Northern Tanzania. AJPA 52: 71-84.
- Bräuer G & Mehlman MJ (1988) Hominid molars from a Middle Stone Age level at Mumba Rock Shelter, Tanzania. AJPA 75: 69-76.
- Butzer KW (1969) Geological interpretation of two Pleistocene hominid sites in the Lower Omo Basin. Nature 222: 1133-1135.
- Clark JD et al. (1984) A Middle Stone Age occupation site at Porc Epic cave, Dire Dawa (east-central Ethiopia). AAR 2: 37-71.
- Clark JD et al. (2003) Stratigraphic, chronological and behavioural contexts of Pleistocene Homo sapiens from Middle Awash, Ethiopia. Nature 423: 747-752.
- Cooke et al. (1945) Fossil man in the Lebombo Mountains, South Africa: The ‘Border Cave’, Ingwavuma District, Zululand. Man 45: 6-13.
- Day MH (1969) Omo human skeletal remains. Nature 222: 1135-1138.
- Day MH & Stringer CB (1991) Les restes crâniens d’Omo-Kibish et leur classification à l’intérieur du genre Homo. L’Anthropologie 95: 573-594.
- Deacon HJ (1995) Two Late Pleistocene-Holocene archaeological depositories from the southern Cape, South Africa. SAfrAB 50: 121–131.
- Debenath A (1976) La Grotte de Dar es-Soltane II à Rabat (Maroc). Géologie et préhistoire. BMSAP 3: 181-182.
- Debénath A (1979) Découverte d’une mandibule humaine atérienne à El Harhoura (Province de Rabat). Bulletin d’archéologie marocaine 12: 1-2.
- Debénath A (2000) Le peuplement préhistorique du Maroc: Données récentes et problèmes. L’Anthropologie 104: 131-145.
- de Villiers H (1973) Human skeletal remains from Border Cave, Ingwavuma District, Kwazulu, South Africa. Ann. Transvaal Mus. 28: 229-256.
- Feathers JK & Bush DA (2000) Luminescence dating of Middle Stone Age deposits at Die Kelders. JHE 38: 91-119.
- Ferembach D (1976) Les restes humains atériens de Témara. Campagne 1975. BMSAP 3: 175-180.
- Ferembach D (1976) Les rests humains de la Grotte de Dar-es-Soltane II (Maroc). Campagne 1975. BMSAP 3: 183-193.
- Gliganic LA et al. (2012) New ages for Middle and Later Stone Age deposits at Mumba rockshelter, Tanzania: Optically stimulated luminescence dating of quartz and feldspar grais. JHE 62: 533-547.
- Grine FE (2000) Middle Stone Age human fossils from Die Kelders Cave 1, Western Cape Province, South Africa. JHE 38: 129-145.
- Grine FE & Henshilwood CS (2002) Additional human remains from Blombos Cave, South Africa: (1999-2000 excavations). JHE 42: 293-302.
- Grine FE & Klein RG (1985) Pleistocene and Holocene human remains from Equus Cave, South Africa. Anthropology 8: 55–98.
- Grine FE et al. (1991) Dating, archaeology and human fossils from the Middle Stone Age levels of Die Kelders, South Africa. JHE 21: 363-395.
- Grine FE et al. (1998) Additional human fossils from Klasies River Mouth, South Africa. JHE 35: 95-107.
- Grün R & Beaumont P (2001) Border Cave revisited: a revised ESR chronology. JHE 40: 467-482.
- Grün R & Stringer CB (1991) Electron spin resonance dating and the evolution of modern humans. Archaeometry 33: 153-199
- Grün R et al. (2003) On the age of the Border Cave 5 human mandible. JHE 45: 155-167.
- Haile-Selassie et al. (2004) Hominid cranial remains from Upper Pleistocene deposits at Aduma, Middle Awash, Ethiopia. AJPA 123: 1-10.
- Henshilwood CS et al. (2001) Blombos Cave, Southern Cape, South Africa: Preliminary report on the 1992-1999 Excavations of the Middle Stone Age levels. JAS 28: 421-448.
- Henshilwood CS et al. (2009) Engraved ochres from the Middle Stone Age levels at Blombos Cave, South Africa. JHE 57: 27-47.
- Howe, B. & Movius, H.L. 1947. A stone age cave site in Tangier. Papers of the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University 28: 1–32.
- Hublin J-J (2001) Northwest African Middle Pleistocene hominids and their bearing on the emergence of Homo sapiens. In: L Barham & K Robson-Brown (Eds) Human Roots: African and Asian in the Middle Pleistocene, pp. 99-121. Bristol: Western Academic Press.
- Jacobs et al. (2006) Extending the chronology of deposits at Blombos Cave, South Africa, back to 140 ka using optical dating of single and multiple grains of quartz. JHE 51: 255-273.
- Klein RG (1976) The mammalian fauna of the Klasies River Mouth sites, Southern Cape Province, South Africa. SAfrAB 31: 75-98.
- Klein RG et al. (1991) Environmental, ecological, and paleo-anthropological implications of the late Pleistocene mammalian fauna from Equus Cave, northern Cape Province, South Africa. QR 36: 94-110.
- Leakey RE 1969 Nature Early Homo sapiens remains from the Omo River region of South-west Ethiopia. Nature 222: 1132-1133.
- McBurney CBM (1961) Absolute age of Pleistocene and Holocene deposits in the Haua Fteah. Nature 192: 685-686.
- McBurney, C. B. M. (1967). The Haua Fteah (Cyrenaica) and the Stone Age of the South-East Mediterranean. Cambridge: CUP.
- McBurney CBM et al. (1953) The Haua Fteah fossil jaw. JRAI 83: 71-85.
- McDermott F et al. (1996) New Late Pleistocene uranium-thorium and ESR dates for the Singa hominid (Sudan). JHE 31: 507–516.
- McDougall et al. (2005) Stratigraphic placement and age of modern humans from Kibish, Ethiopia. Nature 433: 733-736.
- Nespoulet R et al (2008) Palaeolithic and Neolithic occupations in the Témara Region (Rabat, Morocco): Recent data on hominin contexts and behaviour. AAR 25: 21-39.
- Pearson OM & Grine FE (1996) Morphology of the Border Cave hominid ulna and humerus. SAfrJSci 92: 231-236.
- Pearson OM & Grine FE (1997) Re-analysis of the hominid radii from Cave of Hearths and Klasies River Mouth, South Africa. JHE 32: 577-592.
- Pearson OM et al. (2008a) A description of the Omo I postcranial skeleton, including newly discovered fossils. JHE 55: 421–437.
- Pearson OM et al (2008b) Further new hominin fossils from the Kibish Formation, southwestern Ethiopia. JHE 55: 444-447.
- Rightmire GP (1979) Implications of Border Cave skeletal remains for later Pleistocene human evolution. Curr Anth 20: 23-35.
- Rightmire GP (2009) Middle and later Pleistocene hominins in Africa and Southwest Asia. PNAS 106: 16046-16050
- Rightmire GP & Deacon HJ (1991) Comparative studies of Late Pleistocene human remains from Klasies River Mouth, South Africa. JHE 20: 131–156.
- Rightmire GP & Deacon HJ (2001) New human teeth from Middle Stone Age deposits at Klasies River, South Africa. JHE 41: 535-544.
- Schwarcz HP & Rink WJ (2000) ESR dating of the Die Kelders Cave 1 site, South Africa. JHE 38: 121-128.
- Singer R & Wymer J (1982) The Middle Stone Age at Klasies River Mouth in South Africa. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
- Smith TM et al. (2007) Earliest evidence of modern human life history in North African early Homo sapiens. PNAS 104: 6128–6133
- Spoor F et al. (1998) Rare temporal bone pathology of the Singa calvaria from Sudan. AJPA 107: 41–50.
- Van Peer P et al. (2010) Chert Quarrying, Lithic Technology and a Modern Human Burial at the Palaeolithic Site of Taramsa 1, Upper Egypt. Egyptian Prehistory Monographs: Leuven University Press.
- Vermeersch et al. (1997) Middle Palaeolithic chert mining in Egypt. In: A Ramos-Millan & MA Bustillo (Eds) Siliceous Rocks and Culture, pp. 173-193. Univ de Granada
- Vermeersch PM et al. (1998) A Middle Palaeolithic burial of a modern human at Taramsa Hill, Egypt. Antiquity 72: 475-484.
- White, T.D. et al. (2003) Pleistocene Homo sapiens from Middle Awash, Ethiopia. Nature 423: 742-747.
- Wrinn PJ & Rink WJ 2003. ESR dating of tooth enamel from Aterial levels at Mugharet el’Aliya (Tangier, Morocco). JAS 30: 123-133.
- Yellen J et al. (2005) The archaeology of Aduma Middle Stone Age sites in the Awash Valley, Ethiopia. PaleoAnth 2005.10.25-100.