In-Africa Project
The In-AFRICA Project was a five-year research programme to investigate the origins of our species – Homo sapiens – and its diversity in Africa funded by the European Research Council through an Advanced Investigator Award to Marta Mirazon Lahr. The main aim…
NEW Post-doctoral positions, 2015
Two new post-doctoral positions open – Palaeoanthropologist (12 months) and Palaeolithic Archaeologist (8 months)

2013 Turkana field season
Fieldwork on the west side of Lake Turkana began in August 2013 for four weeks.

EJOK Classroom
EJOK Classroom built at Lokwar-Ankhaleso!! Dance to celebrate the new EJOK classroom More information on the EJOK Project
PhD Opportunities
New PhD opportunities, including three fully-funded scholarships, to study for a PhD at LCHES, Dept of Archaeology & Anthropology, University of Cambridge, are now open for application as part of In Africa’s research programme. More information at: OPPORTUNITIES. Deadline for…
TWO NEW POSITIONS OPEN: A 4-year Post-Doctoral Research Associate position and a 4-year Technician/Research Assistant position at LCHES, Dept of Archaeology & Anthropology, University of Cambridge, to work in the project are now open. Information about the posts can be…

EJOK is a joint initiative among the Turkana community who live around the villages of Louwae, Locher Akwan and Nakoret along the Kerio River Valley, scientists in In Africa, and a group of University students who have volunteered to help build…