Workshop ‘The Archaeology of Modern Human Evolution in Africa’

 The Archaeology of Modern Human Evolution in AfricaIMG_4304

Leverhulme Centre for Human Evolutionary Studies, University of Cambridge, 16-17 May 2014

The aim of the workshop is to discuss issues related to chronological and geographical variation in the African MSA, as well as what (and how) this variation is recorded and quantified, including the role of the non-lithic elements of the record in informing us about early human behaviour, history and adaptation. The workshop will consist of informal, round-table discussions, as well as a morning discussing technology and the making of MSA artefacts with John Lord.

Workshop Participants: Larry Barham, Graeme Barker, Laura Basell, James Blinkhorn, Marjolein Boesch, Valentina Borgia, Maria Ana CorreiaFederica Crivellaro, Matt Davies, William Davies, Robert Foley, Peter GriffithHuw Groucutt, Emily HallinanJoe JefferySacha Jones, John Lord, Jose Manuel Maillo Fernandez, Paul Mellars, Marta Mirazon Lahr, Peter Mitchell, Aurelien Mounier, Giuseppina Mutri, Herman Muwonge, Philip Nigst, John Parkington, Ryan RabettFrances RiveraEleanor Scerri, Enza Spinapolice, Christian Tryon, David Underhill, Ann van Baelen, Philip van Peer, Manuel Will, Alex Wilshaw

Attending this event: This event is for invited participants. However, researchers and graduate students with a particular interest in attending should contact Dr Marta Mirazon Lahr (